Catalonia is different

1:33 a. m.

( 5 ) Comments

Ok... so I live in a weird country... If you've never been here then you won't understand me, but if you live in catalunya you'll just think politicians are completely nuts!

Let me explain... I'm talking obviusly about the Estatut... so first of all let me introduce you our friend:

Once upon a time, (in 1932) in a place called Catalunya, they had a really nice Estatut, and they loved him. But, you know, they had a Civil war in Catalunya, and the guys who won it didn't like democratic things so they decided to kill the poor Estatut... fortunately, when democracy came back to Spain (and Catalonia), catalans gave birth (somehow) to a brand new Estatut:

It was born in 1979, and he was a nice guy, he defined the catalan institutions, their competences, their relationships with Spain, and also the financing for the catalan goverment, the Generalitat.

Everyone was fine with our friend Estatut, till the summer of 2005, when the catalan government decided he was old and crappy, and that he needed some plastic surrgery to make him look better... but you know, when you try to fix something that already works is when the problems begin...

So when all the politicians decided to change him, they wrote a new model of Estatut, according to our ages, more fashionable, you know. And they introduced the "new" Estatut to the daddy, the spanish government.

And daddy didnt like him... he said "it was fine if you wanted a new style for he estatut, but that now he was too modern..." so daddy started taking away from the Estatut everything that he didnt like.

Finally the poor estatut was all messed up... thay tried to do him a lifting, change his clothes, his haircut, and then they tried to undo that, to replace what he was wearing over and over again, and he had an identity crisis, he wasnt who he was supposed to be anymore! (They had to bring him to the psychologist) But daddy said that THEN it was fine, so catalan people had to say whether they liked the new estatut, or prefered the 1979 one...

But after a year watching politicians fight, trying to fix the poor Estatut, catalan people didnt care anymore, they were sick about him, so decided not to vote... and only half of the catalans voted... (actually 49'41%) and they voted for the new Estatut, though.


And what do I wanna tell you with this story? Well, I'ts clear... after talking about the freakin' Estatut EVERY DAY during a year, now that we can decide if we want it or not, now we don't go voting!! thats really sad... I guess people like talking about politics, but not being part of them! Anyway, I guess that's normal in catalonia, because like I said... Catalonia is different!

5 Responses to " Catalonia is different "

mahe said :
6:56 p. m.
No et conec, xo una miqueta sí q en sé de q va el rollo. Pase de donar la meva opinió sobre l'estatut xo te la done sobre el teu "comte"... very nice, és com per a xiquets, així q tothom ho pot entendre. Això sí... No hi existeix una única veritat i, això de dir que l'estatut del 79 feia feliç a tothom son paraules majors...

Una coneguda del q s'en va a NY
MaRiNa said :
8:02 p. m.
ajjaja mol bo el conte!!! millor no entrem en temesd si "si o no"... jo si q vaig nar a votar , ara tambe nestava ben farta. son pesats a morir els politics.. axo c no entrar en el circ q an muntat.

dijous no puc venir q tinc lultim examen!!! ens veiem
David said :
8:32 p. m.
Hola "coneguda del que s'en va a NY"

No pretenc ni molt menys estar en posessio de la veritat, pro la meva pagina la visiten molts "guiris" que estan bastant perduts en el tema de l'estatut. La meva única intencio era dona una visio general i senzilla de que va tot aquest rollo que no para de sortir als diaris i a la TV, per aixó ho faig en forma de "conte".

Tampoc dono la meva opinio sobre l'estatut ni pretenc que ningú la doni, cadascú que pensi el que vulgui :)
Anónimo said :
10:31 p. m.
Hola nen

senzillament, no havia deixat cap comentari al teu blog fins avui perquè no sabia que en tenies.

Tu tampoc és que hagis dit al meu i això que en tens l'adreça al messenger...

En fins, ja saps el que en penso d'aquest tema ( per als qui no, he deixat un comentari al blog del Carmelo: )

Per curiositat, qui se'n va a NY?
Anónimo said :
10:33 p. m.
Oblideu lo de NY ¬L¬

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