Against Nature?

7:23 p. m.

( 6 ) Comments

The Oslo Natural History Museum opened an exhibition some weeks ago entitled “Against Nature?". The exhibition shows pictures and models of different species of animals having homosexual relationships.

In the exposition they say that homosexuality has been observed among 1,500 species, and that in 500 of those is well documented. "We hope to reject the all too well known argument that homosexual behavior is a crime against nature".

The organizer of the exposition, the biologist Geir Soeli said in an interview that, amongst animals, the percentage of homosexuality goes from 2 to 15%, depending on the species.

He also clarifies that homosexuality between animals is not the same as the one between humans, but it’s similar. In humans feeling are involved too, so we have to be careful when making comparisons.

The exposition (amongst many other interesting thing) also claims that sometimes two birds of the same sex can take care of eggs “donated” by another female. In the case of flamingos, "two males can hold a much larger territory than a regular flamingo pair, thus more chicks can grow up".

You can see the entire interview in Spanish in the ADN website, and a whole article on the BCC site

I think this idea is just great. It’s good that someone made an exposition about something unknown to the general public, at least I didn’t know that homosexuality amongst animals was so extended…

Of course many people will freak out and think that these Oslo guys will go to hell… but at least I hope they think twice before saying that gay people go “against nature”.

6 Responses to " Against Nature? "

MaRiNa said :
10:33 p. m.
jo també havia llegit aquesta noticia ( es el que tenen els diaris gratuïts)
res, que no ser que comentar.. que mas robat la idea d'un post.. que ja no faré pq fa lleig sembla que t'hagi copiat i q la meva idea anava en la linia de la teva :P
David said :
11:17 p. m.
jo anava a fer un post amb lo de "be acid boric my friend" i m'ha robat la idea l'Emma, aixi que li fots la bulla a ella... per cert, ja tinc la idea pel següent post pro no te la dic que em copies :P
Mikel said :
7:38 a. m.
Desde sempre he sentit dir aixo de que moltes especies animals tenen relacions homosexuals sobretot dit per gays per mostrar la "normalitat" del fet.
Estaria be que portesin aquesta exposició a Madrid per veure la cara que se li queda a l´Acebes!! juasjasjasj
10:44 a. m.
azriel doncs el posts fer el post eh!!! be acid boriccc, my gay!

Jo ja ho sabia això de que els animals!!! ostres em sembla molt bé!!!

la meva pregunta és? Es pot sentir atret un gos per un ésser humà? perquè sempre t'oloren tant?
David said :
12:51 p. m.
Mikel, a l'acebes li donaria un patatús com al del polónia, es tornaria hiperactiu...

Emma doncs a l'entrevista que donava a l'ADN el bióleg aquest deia que les relacions entre un gos mascle i la cama del seu amo no tenien res a veure amb ser gay o no ;) i lo d'olorar... he sentit a dir que tenen molta memoria olfativa, deu ser per això (digo yo)
Mikel said :
1:14 p. m.
juasjuasujasu es bonissim l´acebes del Polonia jasujsajsajas

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